The awakening begins with a calling – an uncomfortable-ness with what currently is and an instinctual knowing that there is something more.  You may experience this in the form that some label as ‘anxiety’ or even ‘addiction’.  These are just labels for a symptom that has an underlying cause.  The search for this is what brought you to this course.

With this course you will find yourself desiring to go fast – to execute on the tasks herein and accelerate your move from being uncomfortable to being at peace.  I assure you now, that peace is indeed your destination.  Peace will be found with or without the work in this course.  The exercises, as a matter of fact, are mostly for your ego’s sake.  The execution of tasks give your ego the feeling that you did something to ‘earn’ this peace and love.

In other words – while they help you get to peace, they’re not required to find it.

So let’s start at the beginning – what is this Awakening?

The awakening is a shift in your perspective of reality and of yourself, and ultimately of creation and who is the creator.  You will gain access to an amazing amount of information that your soul has access too.  It is from this access that you will gain wisdom.  It is from this wisdom that peace comes.

Dr. Hawkins wrote that we view reality through a lens he called context.  This is like seeing the world from the perspective of a 4 year old who sees a doorknob above the top of his head, and can’t see the contents of a countertop without climbing onto something.  His context for how he views the world is completely different from yours.

This context is used to interpret events from all sorts of angles.  The interpretation is used by the mind to assign meaning to an event.  The meaning assigned is then used to create an emotional response to the event.  The emotional response does the rest, as it is the most powerful part of you.

Your emotional world is the creator of your external 3-dimensional world.  It’s how you manifest everything that happens in your physical human life, including your relationships, your finances, and your health.  So – looking at this diagram, you can see how important it is to assign meaning to events that benefits your emotions.

If your emotions create your world, and the meaning you assign to events dictates your emotions, then having the ability to change the meaning you assign to events is critical to having a life that feels good.

So let’s talk about the word ‘meaning’.  Meaning is a concept that is dependent upon your faith in reality.  Faith in one of two things must be established prior to discussing what meaning actually means.

Thing number 1: Reality is absolute: What is scientifically verifiable by all observers as true is real.  Anything else is not real.

Thing number 2: Reality is relative: What happens in life can never be 100% collaborated or validated by all other witnesses (especially when I’m the only witness).  Therefore I can have ‘my reality’ and the other individuals observing events can have ‘their reality’ and neither one of us is necessarily wrong.

Which do you believe?  This is an extremely important concept as it relates to this course, as it relates to your world.  It’s not important at this point which one you believe, by the way – only that you know which one you believe, as this belief shapes your interpretation of events because it is part of the context of your reality.

Before I get on the next topic, I have to define some things.  Words tend to become labels that we associate emotions with.  As a result of this association, words can be a very powerful way to connect to our emotions, or to block us from feeling certain things.  So I’m going to define some words now that will be fundamental for our work together.


Spiritual: Anything that exists outside of our known laws of Newtonian or Einstein’s physics.  6th sense, intuition, gut feelings, etc. are all spiritual concepts in this context.

Spirit: any part of our experience, including experiences of others that is spiritual in nature and tied to an identifiable source.

god: the part of you that exists and is inexorably tied to source (also known as “the Etheric”)

God: the creator of our reality, pure love, source energy, the identifiable root cause of many (most) religious doctrines

3D reality: the old paradigm within which we live in our human form.  It is in this paradigm where good and evil exist, spirituality is questioned by the skeptics, and science is the ruling default for explaining our world.

4-dimensional space-time: the world that is defined by science as Newtonian laws (gravity, every action has an equal and opposite reaction, etc.) and the laws of Einstein’s general and special law of relativity (E=MC2 and that gravity and time are inseparable).  It’s called 4-dimensional because from a mathematical perspective we observe, measure, and report things on an X-Y-Z axis combined with Time (four dimensions).

The awakening: a personal evolution within which your eyes are opened to a new way of viewing reality and assigning meaning to events.  It coincides with a world-wide shift of consciousness known as the love revolution or Christ Consciousness.

Christ consciousness: The realization of mankind as a whole that we are not separate individuals living an ego-centered life, but that we are all connected.  Though the shift will happen on an individual basis, it will be felt worldwide.  AKA: Collective Soul, New World, New Paradigm, New World Order.

Yin and Yang: A principle which exists across all dimensions which states that light cannot exist without dark.  For every vibrational state there is a corresponding opposite state.  Light is the yin to darknesses’ yang.  Love is the yin to fear’s yang.

The bible: A collection of ancient writings that have been inspired by god and transcripted by man.  These writings have since been collected and ratified (sometimes translated and modified) by humans with an agenda (and likely the best of intentions).  Culture of the time had a huge impact on the translations and the decisions made to include or exclude certain ancient writings from the ‘canonized scripture’.

Heaven: A spiritual state of being in which one is connected beautifully and flawlessly to love.

Hell: A concept (not a physical place) of feeling permanently disconnected from love.

Soul: The part of you that is not bound by 4-dimensional space-time.

Emotional body: The part of you that feels emotions and ties memories to your physical body as well as your soul.

Human Body: The part of you that interacts with the world as it is in 3D

Mind: The part of you that can think and rationalize while in your human body.  It is the part of you that is evaluating these concepts as you read them on an intellectual level.  It is different from the soul in that your mind is restricted / limited to thinking of terms in 3D until you are awakened.  Upon awakening your soul and your mind can work together to create rational thought.

Satan: The spiritual representation of our human ego – required from an energetic perspective just as light requires darkness.

Evil: An ego-only concept which describes the intentional lack of love in a choice made by a spirit or a human.

Good: An ego-only concept which describes the intentional use of love in a choice made by a spirit or a human.

The old testament: A god-inspired selection of ancient writings that fulfilled the desperate need of the ego in humanity to know ‘right’ from ‘wrong’.  To God there is no right or wrong, nor is there a knowledge of good and evil, nor is there an ego or egoic agenda.  The old testament shows us that the power of God and the power we have of god within us can change our 3D world.

Sin: An ego-only concept which encourages separateness from god and from God.  The concept of sin allows humans to feel better about themselves when they don’t sin, and feel bad about themselves when they need too.  The reason sin exists is to support the ego’s need to feel superior to other things within it’s perceived existence.  It is this egoic need for separateness that leads to the knowledge of good and evil.  Recall in the bible in Genesis when Eve eats from the ‘tree of the knowledge of good and evil?’  That was the ego saying ‘if you choose to come to earth and separate from the part of us that is God, then you choose to temporarily accept this false concept that there is good and evil and that you can be better, do better, act better, and feel better than a comparative human.’

Angel: A spiritual entity which has an agenda of bringing love to god.  Angels are the spiritual yin to fear’s yang (demons).

Demon: A spiritual entity which has an agenda of bringing balance to the light of love.  Demons are not bad creatures, just as angels are not good creatures.  Demons are simply the spiritual manifestation of the yin to love’s yang.  As you grow in your awakening you’ll find that you are the one creating demonic manifestation, as you grow closer to love, these begin to disappear.  You’ll find that in some cases, only the utilization of pure love in language can detach a demonic energy from you (which is why “In Jesus’ name” is so powerful).

Ghost: A spiritual entity which exists temporarily in our 3D world, usually because of the feeling of not yet completing their soul contract.  It should be noted that there is no way to not complete your soul contract, there is only the ‘feeling’ of not completing it because you desire it to be something different than that which is.

Psychic: A human who has a clearer-than-average vibrational connection with his/her soul.  A psychic is able to feel things in the spiritual world without being restricted to the limits of 4-dimensional space-time.

Soul Contract: An agreement with which your soul entered into when you bonded with your mathematical equivalent in 3D.  These agreements are made between your soul and your etheric and can be broken at any time, but not without the price of a return to human form and a new contract.

Jesus Christ: the physical human embodiment of God in 3D.  Jesus’ role on earth was to teach us about love and to teach us about the awakening.  He showed us that no matter what happens love can and will provide us access to love, even in 3D.  The power of Jesus and his role on earth cannot be understated – as the human equivalent of source’s power, a relationship with him is a relationship with love.

Spiritual warfare: An interaction in which a human intentionally chooses to have a desired affect on a demon or a ghost, ideally using love (note that not all spiritual warfare uses love, and that if you feel fear in the midst of this it is an indicator of you entering into the interaction from an egoic or fear-based state).  Many times the invocation of the name and love of Jesus is required to have the desired outcome when interacting with a demon, however, as there are contracts within which humans have entered in that grant a demon temporary permission (a temporary right) to be present.

Psycho-Physiological Coherence: A state of being in which your soul, body, and mind are vibrating at or very near the same frequency.  This state produces dramatic positive changes in the 3D world.  The intentional meditative and physiological changes (alkalizing the body, for example) in this course are intended to provide a maximum psycho-physiological coherence and therefore allow the highest probability for the awakening to occur in an individual.  This term comes from the heart-math institute.

Individuality: An ego-only concept which holds that we are unique and special.  This concept perpetuates that everything ‘good’ we think and do is unique and worthy of praise.  The biggest fear of the ego in our human form is loss of individuality.

Spiritual Bypassing: A fear-based technique of the subconscious to use spiritual, new age, or biblical labels and speech to explain away an unhelpful behavior or judge others, rather than looking deeply into what it means for the person talking.


Now for the next challenge; what is your belief in spirituality?  Do you believe you have a soul?  Do you believe you are a purely organic creature with no spirit?  Do you believe that others have a soul or that there is a source of creation that exists outside of a human form?  Do you believe that when you stop thinking you’re dead, or when your heart stops beating, that’s it?

Which do you believe?  Again, it’s not important which option you believe in, only that you know which one you believe because this belief is part of your context of reality.

Now for my personal beliefs.  I will never push these on you, but it’s important to know what my beliefs are prior to you signing up for transformational one-on-ones because if my beliefs differ substantially from yours, then it will help me if you articulate this in advance.

I believe we have two parts of us that are in 4-dimensional space-time (body and mind) and three spiritual parts to us that aren’t bound to four-dimensional space-time (the emotional body, the soul, and the etheric).  All of the parts of us dance a dance based on the flow of energy between the parts.  I think of it like a fast-flowing stream down a narrow ravine.  The stream flows into a pump that is the Etheric and the energy is pumped back into the body.  Any block in the stream effects the energetic flow, causing ripples, whirlpools, and sometimes flat-out blocking the flow of water.  When this occurs we lose communication between those parts of us and therefore feel uncomfortable or anxious.