whatoffendsyouI do not seek to offend, but I don’t mind if I do.  I love being real, and I love having the freedom to say what I’m really thinking.

If the words blowjob or anal offend you, ask yourself if it’s really the words, or the thought of your own authentic sexuality that’s bothering you.

Somewhere between the preacher on Sunday and Andrew Dice Clay on Friday lies your comfort zone.  Tailoring your message to the present audience is understandable, the wisest of people do so automatically.  To tailor your message, dress, or actions doesn’t make you a sleazy politician, it makes you smart.

If, however, you find yourself tailoring your message when you’re around your closest friends, then perhaps having a close look at this is a good idea.

Think about it – what does a tailor really do?  They trim clothing.  They remove the excess.  They reduce, minimize, shrink.

I don't always offendAre you reducing, trimming, shrinking your message or yourself around your closest audience?  Are you real with your spouse?  Are you real with yourself?